Canterbury, New Hampshire, is a small, picturesque town located in Merrimack County in the central part of the state. It lies within the United States and is part of the New England region, known for its rich history, scenic beauty, and...
Kaumakani is a small, unincorporated community located on the island of Kauai in the state of Hawaii, United States. It is situated on the southwestern coast of the island, nestled between the towns of Hanapepe and Waimea. Kaumakani covers a relatively...
Guinea-Bissau Country Facts: Guinea-Bissau, located in West Africa, is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse ecosystems. The capital is Bissau, and the country gained independence from Portugal in 1973. Its official language is Portuguese, and it’s home to various...
Population Distribution As of 2023, the latest population of Guinea-Bissau is 1,927,104, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations). Total population 1,927,104 Population growth rate 2.51% Birth rate 32.50 births per 1,000 people Life expectancy Overall...
Athens is a city located in southeastern Ohio, United States, and serves as the county seat of Athens County. Nestled in the Appalachian foothills, Athens is situated approximately 75 miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio’s state capital. The city covers an area...
Busby, Montana, is a small unincorporated community located in Big Horn County in the southeastern part of the state. Nestled in the vast and scenic plains of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Busby is part of the United States and is...
Introduction Beggs is a small city located in Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, United States. It is situated in the northeastern part of the state, approximately 30 miles south of Tulsa. Beggs is part of the larger Tulsa Metropolitan Area, offering a blend...
Public Holidays in Guinea-Bissau in 2024 Guinea-Bissau, a small West African country, celebrates various public holidays throughout the year. These holidays reflect the nation’s cultural diversity, religious traditions, and historical significance. In 2024, Guinea-Bissau will observe a range of public holidays,...
Belfast, Maine, is a historic coastal town located in Waldo County, along the shores of Penobscot Bay. Located in the northeastern part of the United States, Belfast is known for its beautiful harbor, vibrant arts scene, and rich maritime heritage. With...
Hopkinton is a picturesque town located in the southwestern part of Rhode Island, United States. Located amidst the rolling hills and forests of the New England region, Hopkinton offers a tranquil retreat from the bustling city life while still being within...